How to Properly Introduce Fish into the Aquarium

How to Properly Introduce Fish into the Aquarium

Introducing new fish to the aquarium may seem as simple as putting them in the water. However, if you want your new fish to feel comfortable and coexist properly with the rest of the aquatic animals in the aquarium, you will need to take into account several factors.
In this article, we will tell you how to properly introduce fish into your aquarium. Thus, you make sure that your change of home is the best possible.

Condition the habitat before introducing them

There are several factors that you should take into account before introducing new fish to the aquarium. You will need to pay attention to the filtration of the water, the temperature and the chemistry of the aquarium.

Water filtration

Before introducing new fish in your aquarium it is necessary that the water is well filtered. To do this, you can let the filter run for several days before introducing the fish.

A few weeks ago we did an article in which we talked about the types of filter that are best for each type of aquarium. So, if you don’t know which one to choose, we recommend you take a look.


The temperature of the aquarium must also be correct before you introduce the fish. For this reason, you must find out what the appropriate temperature is for the varieties that you are going to introduce.

In this way, you will know if the water should be warm or cold, and you will be able to adapt the temperature of the aquarium to the varieties of fish that will live in it.

Aquarium Chemistry

You don’t have to be an expert in chemistry, but there are some chemical factors you should be aware of when introducing new fish to your aquarium.
• Acidity / Basicity (pH)

• Chlorine and chloramines

• Water hardness

• Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite

Whatever variety of fish you are introducing into an aquarium, make sure they all fall within the same range of chemical needs.

Introduce fish the right way

You should not wait long from the time you bring the new fish home until you introduce them to the aquarium. The bags or small fish tanks they come in from the store can put a lot of stress on your fish .

As much as possible, you should keep your fish from becoming stressed. Therefore, the best way for them to enter the aquarium is as follows:

  1. Introduce the bag of fish into the aquarium, so that the fish is still inside the bag and preventing the water from the bag from passing into the aquarium.
  2. The temperature of the water in the bag will change slightly. In this way, little by little, they will get used to the new temperature. Let 20 minutes pass.
  3. Pour aquarium water into the bag. About a third. Thus, they will get used to the chemistry of the aquarium. Wait 10 minutes.
  4. Pour more aquarium water into the bag and wait another 10 minutes.
At this time, the fish will be ready to move into the aquarium. Therefore, without letting the water from the bag pass into the aquarium so as not to vary the chemistry or the temperature, introduce the fish.

In this simple way, you can properly introduce your new fish into an aquarium.